Metal fabrication customized to your needs.

Custom Roofing Metals

Custom roofing metal fabrication allows Denver roofing contractors to fulfill more jobs without the delays many construction crews run into due to today’s challenging supply chain.  Contractors in and around Denver appreciate the value, flexibility and timeliness we bring to projects because of our fabrication capacity. Why choose custom roofing metal fabrication? The answers are simple:

  1. Precision Manufacturing.
  2. Efficient roofing from design to installation.
  3. Comprehensive, on-time delivery
  4. Cost management

As pressures mount on supply, consider the benefits custom roofing metal fabrication brings to your project.

Benefits of Custom Roofing metal Fabrication

  • Specify to your measurements
  • Receive the exact parts you need
  • Improve order to delivery times
  • Manage cost
  • Choose from a variety of surface treatments
  • Select your metal and thickness
  • Opt for coated or stainless steel


Precision Manufacturing

Not every roof is designed the same. When your roofer sources prefabricated parts for through-wall flashing, masonry drip edge, parapet caps, chimney caps and collector heads, fit and finish may not be what you really need to match the job. We will work with you to measure and specify the right parts to fit your building.

Efficient Roofing from Design to installation

When roofing metals are fabricated to specification, the need to modify materials at the time of installation is reduced to a minimum. On-site modification and retrofitting of standard parts is a common source of flaws at the time of final inspection, leading to additional punch-list items that increase cost and the risk of parts failure over time. When every part is fabricated to the specifications of the building, you reduce risk and increase performance and quality at the same time.

Comprehensive, on-time delivery

When roofing metals match the property rather than a preset standard, production time is decreased. Every part is labeled and delivered in such a way that it reduces decision-making at the time of installation. With fewer last-minute decisions, mistakes decrease and crews stay on-task in order to finish the job on time.

Cost management

When contractors draw from a single supplier, they reduce the cost involved in sourcing. With one conversation instead of multiple conversations, there is less opportunity for miscommunication and more clarity and accountability in getting the job done right. Get out of the phone tag common with other providers.